- Developing a Disability Inclusive Society -
  • +977-01-4513340
  • info@karunanepal.org
  • 294 Embassy Marg, Baluwatar, Kathmandu, Nepal

Recognition & awards

Karuna Foundation was established in 2007 by a Dutch entrepreneur. Betteke de Gaay Fortman is director. Together with social entrepreneurs Deepak Raj Sapkota and Yogendra Giri, Karuna Nepal was established and has grown into a local organization with 60 Nepalese professionals.


The community models developed by Karuna have proven to be (cost-)effective, innovative and sustainable. The following list shows these acknowledgements:


ZeroCon24 award presented to Karuna Foundation Nepal with Provincial Government of Koshi Province for Disability Prevention and Rehabilitation Program (DPRP)


Inspire2Care is in the top 10 ‘most scalable solutions’ of the Zero Project Impact Transfer programme, a collaboration between Essl Foundation and Ashoka.


Inspire2Care is selected as Innovative Practice on Accessibility by Zero Project.


Inspire2Care is ‘effective, efficient and strategic, with significant impact’, shows independent research in the Ilam district, commissioned by UBS Optimus Foundation.


Inspire2Care is EVPA success story. The European Venture Philanthropy Association developed a webpage with ‘Little funding stories, big social impact’.


Best Wishes is one of eleven good practices in the book Everybody Matters Matters’ about inclusion of people with disabilities in sexual and reproductive health and rights programmes. Best Wishes is part of Inspire2Care.


An extensive impact evaluation in the 6 pilot communities in Nepal has shown the positive impact of Inspire2Care and Share&Care after the exit of Karuna from the community.


Inspire2Care is one of the Best Global Practices in Entrepreneurship during the Zero Project Conference 2017 in Vienna.


Inspire2Care is one of the five best practices in integrating people with disabilities in their own communities, according to the Asian Pacific Centre for Development and Disability in an investigation among 37 Asian countries. In 2015, Karuna presented her results during an international congress in Tokyo by the World Health Organisation.


Inspire2Care is, scientifically proved, ‘very cost-effective’ according to independent research of the Dutch Royal Tropical Institute. The study was executed by Health Economist Kelsey Vaughan.


Share&Care wins the Jobena Prize 2012 for the project with the most appealing practice for self-development as a method and goal. The Jobena Foundation supports cultural and development projects.


Briljant Failure award 2011 for the best learning moment ‘Quitting is an option’. Karuna won the public’s award in the category of development cooperation.

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