- Developing a Disability Inclusive Society -
  • +977-01-4513340
  • info@karunanepal.org
  • 294 Embassy Marg, Baluwatar, Kathmandu, Nepal


Based on scientifically known causes, we calculated the number of children that may have been saved from disability due to Karuna’s intervention. During the past 4 years due to the Training of Professionals project, including 154 prevention projects realized, 150 children have been born healthy assuming that without any intervention they would have been born or developed a disability in their early years. These prevention projects focus on reducing the risks during pregnancy, delivery and early childhood.

getting medical checkup facility

Results from Training of Professionals (2008-2011)

  • 480 trained health workers from 154 different villages in 3 districts.
  • 154 prevention projects have been planned, realized and monitored together with the District Health Office.
  • 11 birthing centres.
  • Mother and child health indicators have improved remarkably in the villages where Training of Professionals including prevention project have taken place, mainly the number of institutional deliveries, ante natal checkups, patient flow in the Outreach Clinics.
  • Mobilization of local resources is a great success within this program. In one village even 6000 euro has been generated, besides the 200 euro seed capital from Karuna Foundation.

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