- Developing a Disability Inclusive Society -
  • +977-01-4513340
  • info@karunanepal.org
  • 294 Embassy Marg, Baluwatar, Kathmandu, Nepal
core-values diagram


The core value of Karuna Foundation Nepal as an NGO is to take development endeavors in entrepreneurial ways so that the change is effective, efficient and engaging. Being transparent and accountable to our works by helping communities to be self-reliance and responsible. Out of Box Thinking, learning by doing, Ongoing Improvement are well embedded in Karuna’s work.


Following are the guiding principles which we adopt while developing and implementing the projects:



Karuna Foundation Nepal uses “The Blue Guideline” and is intended to lead development processes in a structured way. By involving all stakeholders in the process from the beginning all the different, sometimes conflicting, interests can strengthen each other to create synergy in a project. The Blue Guideline facilitates to get support and consensus and innovative solutions are sought and foundation for projects, which can be realized efficiently and fast. This involves following four major steps:

Step1: Analyze the problem

Determine who the stakeholders and what their interest are. Look for common interest and synergy but also establish the threats and contraindications.

Step2: Define a solution or intervention in the interest of all

Listen carefully to all stakeholders and think creative-innovative-outside the normal ways (out of box). Do this together and take time to reflect. Describe a solution that has support for all involved.

Step3: Determine the chance of success (Continue Yes/No)

Establish a moment when to decide to continue the project. Is there good chance of achieving sustainable results and success within a reasonable period? But also be prepared to stop a project if the risks are too high or when there is no common interest. If you continue, do this with commitment and take the lead.

Step4: Manage the process professionally in steps

Formulate a higher goal and map the process with other stakeholders. Divide it into steps and define decision moments. Be efficient and effective. Evaluate the process periodically and adjust where needed.
