- Developing a Disability Inclusive Society -
  • +977-01-4513340
  • info@karunanepal.org
  • 294 Embassy Marg, Baluwatar, Kathmandu, Nepal


Objective of rehabilitation is improvement of the lives of children with a disability living in our project villages. This is planned through local solutions so that the support becomes consolidated in the local community, realising that these children become an asset for their families and the society in stead of a burden.


Karuna tries to realise her mission through two different projects. We have achieved concrete results of the completed activities. At this moment much effort is being put in gathering information on the improvement of the quality of life from the perspective of the families and children themselves.

happy women getting wheelchair facility

Within the Share&Care

276 children with a disability in the current 7 Share&Care villages who all get the services they need according to the individual plan that has been developed together with the parents.

Within Inspire2Care pilot phase

266 children with a handicap have been identified in 7 Prevention & Rehabilitation villages (2 different districts: Sunsari and Rasuwa).   

  • In these 7 villages a Village Development Rehabilitation Committee has been formed with which an agreement has been signed.
  • In the villages a community based rehabilitation facilitator has been selected and trained.
  • On average 35% of the total project costs (2000 euro per village) has been mobilized locally.

    Within Inspire2Care Expansion Phase

    CBR services from 15 villages of Batch-I

  • Treatment of 190 children
  • 192 assistive device distribution
  • 213 persons with disabilities/family members received vocational training
  • Loan investment for 221 persons with disabilities and their family
  • 62 children with disability received nutritional support
  • 42 children with disability enrolled in Home Based Education
  • 28 children with disability enrolled in school
  • 78 children with disability received educational material