- Developing a Disability Inclusive Society -
  • +977-01-4513340
  • info@karunanepal.org
  • 294 Embassy Marg, Baluwatar, Kathmandu, Nepal



All projects and activities contribute to Karuna’s mission and to the ambition to develop a sustainable health care model, including prevention and rehabilitation. Therefore clear and provable results are needed. Continuous information about process and results is available to be able to adjust strategies and processes.



Inspire2Care is now institutionalized and since 2014 we are in a Joint Venture scaling this CBR model up to a whole district (Ilam) in Nepal.


500 children with a disability have improved quality of life.


Maternal and child health care indicators improved by an average of 40%.


13,250 people (25% of the total population) are a member of the community based health insurance scheme and are financially protected against health risks.


Around 35,000 people from 7 villages (in 3 districts) (60% of the total population existing of insured and non-insured people) have access to improved health care.


750 children have been ‘saved’ from a birth defect/ disability.


75% of the villages are sustainable, both financially & socially.


Karuna Foundation has a leading position in the field of Community Based Rehabilitation in Nepal. In 2014 Karuna started a Joint Venture with the Liliane Foundation and the Netherlands Leprosy Foundation to implement our model in 2 complete districts in Nepal. The Asian Pacific Centre for Development and Disability assessed various Community Based Inclusive Development programs in 37 Asian countries. The Inspire2Care program has been chosen as one of the five “best practices” among all these countries. In 2015 we are invited to present the results of this program in an international conference in Tokyo.

Inspire2Care is highly cost-effective

Inspire2Care has been proven successful. November 2014 a health economist from the Royal Tropical Institute carried out a cost effective and efficiency search of the Inspire2Care program. The conclusion is that despite the pilot phase of the program during which additional investments are always needed, the project is highly cost-effective according to the benchmarks of the World Health Organization. Another conclusion is that there is a high chance of continuation by the people in the villages and a high chance of replicability of the program in other areas.
