- Developing a Disability Inclusive Society -
  • +977-01-4513340
  • info@karunanepal.org
  • 294 Embassy Marg, Baluwatar, Kathmandu, Nepal

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On Going Program

Cervical Cancer Screening and Prevention (CCSP) Project

Karuna Foundation Nepal, in collaboration with Family Welfare Division and Koshi Provincial Health Directorate has been actively involved in addressing cervical cancer through the Cervical Cancer Screening and Prevention (CCSP) project in eastern Nepal since 2017 with the financial support of the Female Cancer Foundation, the Netherlands. The project, initially launched in Ilam district and continued in Sunsari, that focuses on both demand creation and service strengthening through raising community awareness, capacity building of health workers including FCHVs, equipment support to the health facilities, screening campaigns execution through VIA methods, referral and facilitation for treatment.

Disability Prevention and Rehabilitation Program (DPRP)

A Joint Venture of Provincial Government, Local Government and Karuna Foundation Nepal


Project Period: 2019-2025

Project Area:117 (Rural)Municipalities of Koshi Province

Direct Constituents:- 77,770 (persons with disabilities), 311,080 (family members), 785, 754 children under 10 years of age and 281, 754 Golden 1000 days mothers

Goal: To contribute to the reduction of preventable disabilities, maternal and neonatal deaths and development of disability inclusive society
